Events and Workshops

Events are at the heart of what we do at the Malaysian Philosophy Society.

Led by leading luminaries locally and internationally, all our practical philosophy events are designed to translate philosophy’s core teachings into practical insights and skills, to help people lead more fulfilling lives in Malaysia and beyond.

Our Past Events


Philojourney: A Philosophical Journaling Workshop

Philojourney is a transformative 30-day journaling program on the theme of “Simplicity” to promote decluttering, embracing the fundamentals and looking inwards in the fast-paced world we live in.

Reflective Reads:
Book #1: The Burnout Society
Book #2: Hiking with Nietzsche
Book #3: When Breath Becomes Air

On a bi-monthly basis, we dive deep into popular philosophical books/texts through this philosophy book club, facilitated by philosophically trained moderators and experts.


Kritikos: Malaysia's First Philosophy Programme for High Schoolers

A Partnership between MyPhilSoc, PPFPM, MRA & Kritikos Malaysia, we created Malaysia's first philosophy programme for high schoolers. The programme included introductory philosophy classes taught by volunteer mentors (teachers around Malaysia). We demonstrated that Philosophy does have an irreplaceable role in education.

Logic Workshop

Mastering Mindset: Harnessing the Power of Logic in Everyday Life

We explored the possibilities of Logic, an important subfield in Philosophy, by exploring how we can apply Logic into our daily lives. The session also dived into the contrast between logic and emotions in the human response.

A successful cross-continental collaboration with the Monash Philosophy Society, Australia

International Think Big Summit 2022

International Think Big Summit 2022: Imagined Universes [Worlds We Could Live In]

At the International Think Big Summit 2022, we joined forces with world’s top luminaries and changemakers, to explore the philosophy of the “might be” rather than the “is”, in doing so we hoped to fire everyone’s imagination to envision a better and brighter future for all in various aspects of life.

Critical Thinking Workshop

Ketua of Tomorrow: A Critical Thinking Workshop for Future Leaders

With the rise in complexity of the issues surrounding the everyday lives of Malaysians, time and again evidence has shown that many Malaysian leaders have failed to employ strategic solutions to the problems the rakyat face.

This workshop explored one of the core skills essential for great leadership - critical thinking, using argument mapping.

International Think Big Summit 2021

International Think Big Summit 2021 Breaking the Silence: Of Taboos and Pantang Larangs​

We sought to address these issues and spark unfettered conversations about all things taboo in Malaysia, topics that often go unspoken or unheard of in our community.

We invited our audience to rethink societal and cultural norms in the process of seeking for greater truths!

Can't Be Bothered:
Are We All Climate Deniers?

Speaker: Eugene Chislenko, co-founder of Philosophers for Sustainability

Unlike most ongoing discussions on climate change, we took a deep dive into the topic of denial. We guided our audience to revisit their cognitive systems for signs of denialism, explored the logic and reasoning behind deniers, as well as how denialism leads to difficult ethical dilemmas and decision-making in everyday life.

Rethinking the Digital Space (Metaverse) through a Non-Digital Means: Philosophy

Discussion Held at MOZFEST 2022

We explored many important topics that surround the new world of internet, including the possibility of knowledge and the relevancy of morality in the Metaverse, and kind of life we should strive for in Virtual Reality.

Why We Are Trapped in Our Work: On Philosophy and Psychology of Career Fulfilment

We often feel trapped at work and remain unsatisfied after years of working. Drawing insights from Stoicism and Existential psychology, we explored the root causes of our dissatisfaction and discover ways we can better navigate through career decisions.

Existentialism Love

Existentialism and Modern Love:
On Loving Authentically

Getting into a relationship is not easy nowadays. With dating apps like Tinder, Bumble and the more controversial Sugarbook, it’s getting even harder to make deep, authentic connections.

In this event, we covered timeless wisdom from thinkers including Sartre, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and more on the topic of building authentic romantic relationships in the modern era.

Can Money Ever Buy You Happiness? What It Means to Live a Good Life

We never seem to be able to find desirable answers to questions like “How should I live?”, “What constitutes a good life?”, “What's the role of money in living a good life?”

In this discussion, we brought together the perspectives of behavioural economics and moral philosophy to explore what it means to live a good life, and whether living a good life involves wealth.

COVID19 Vaccines

COVID-19 Vaccine:
A Multidisciplinary Discussion

As the pandemic stretches on into the new phase where the Vaccines have been invented, questions about distribution, geopolitics, safety and ethics arose. Joining us on board were experts from the fields of public health, bioethics, political economy and moral philosophy, as we explore the issues surrounding COVID-19 Vaccines.

Human Nature

Are We Born Selfish or Altruistic? A Conversation During the Pandemic

The pandemic has demonstrated the ugly side of human nature - selfish behaviours including stock piling essentials, refusal to wear masks and panic buying are prevalent. This live public discourse explored the topic of human nature and the nuances that underlie this topic.

COVID-19: Exploring State Power Through A Pandemic

The COVID-19 crisis justified governments to exert autocratic power through law and enforcement to curb the public health crisis.

We explored the existence of social construction in the world today and how it has changed post the pandemic through the lens of bio politics.

Camus Meaning of Life

Revisiting the Meaning of Life:
Confronting COVID-19 with Albert Camus

When facing unbearable hardships in life, one may question the meaning of life.

This event explored the views of existentialists, nihilists and absurdists to open up new perspectives and potentially helping people to rediscover their inner compasses to cope with the loss of direction and meaning in life.

© Malaysian Philosophy Society 2022

ROS Registration: PPM-013-10-06042017